Top Recruitment Trends 2018

As the year 2017 draws to an end, let’s wind up the achievements and failures of this year and look forward to what 2018 holds for the recruitment industry. With the beginning of every year, come new hopes and predictions.  Regardless of the industry every individual associate thrill and excitement as December approaches to an end.  How this New Year will affect recruitment trends? What factor will be the main priorities in recruitment industry? What new techniques will be introduced to enhance candidate’s experience? How the new trends influence talent acquisition? Let’s take a sneak peak.

AI will Rule the Industry

The recruitment industry has already realized the importance of Artificial Intelligence and how the utilization can ease the work. 2018 will bring a drastic shift from general to the specialized application based on AI. The specific application for screening, sourcing, and filtering will be introduced.  AI will dominate the industry by integrating into recruiting software widely.

It’s Time to Go Mobile

Job search journey switched from newspapers to job boards to desktops to laptops to mobiles. And finally, it’s time to go mobile. The unstoppable use of mobile devices and smartphones for job search says it all. It's likely that 2018 will see growth in mobile job application platforms, though it may take time before they are commonly used.

Candidate’s Experience “The First Priority”

Despite improvements in increasing candidates experience at companies, 2017 still disappointed us. The LinkedIn analysis shows a huge rate of candidate’s terrible experiences. Recruiters need to understand the fact that it’s the major factor influencing the reputation. 2018 anticipates putting candidate’s experience on first priority.

Blind Hires

Transparency has been a major goal to achieve in recruitment industry since ages. In order to implement a transparent, unbiased system, 2018 will focus on the blind profiles trend. This will help candidates to go further in recruitment funnel with hidden identity, eliminating any biases. An Online Job Dating Tool BrightOwl has taken the initiative to offer blind profiles. 2018 is expected to promote the trend.

Focus on Passive Candidate Sourcing

In 2017, almost 70% recruiters continued to complain about skill shortage. They seek for candidates with basic knowledge of skill. The top talent gets employed immediately. 2018 brings focus on passive candidates to fill the position. Recruiters are accepting the fact that the ideal candidate maybe found in passive candidates too. They will not continue to rely on active candidates only. For Passive candidate’s 2018 will be yours.

Quality Sourcing

Quality hire will rise in 2018. According to Global Recruitment survey, recruiters on average source 200 to 300 candidates for a single hire with the conversion rate of 0.4%.While recruiters seeking quality source almost 100 candidates for single hire with the conversion rate of 1%. Recruiters will have to focus on quality in 2018 with the common use automation and AI.

Increase in Remote Workers

Gone are the days when remote working was offered to employers on serious health issues or some disabilities. It has become a common practice now and it will rise in 2018. Not only the employers get the comfort of working from home but the employers can have a cost effective solution if the quality of work is not being compromised.

So, are you ready to step in 2018? This New Year will completely revolutionized Recruitment Industry by automation and AI. Get ready all the recruiters, headhunters, HR professionals to get a firm grip to this never ending pool of technology. 


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