The Impact and Consequences of Technology over Recruitment

It has been a massive change in recruitment industry in last few years but what are the consequences of this technology-driven recruitment? How is it affecting the perspectives, the recruiter and job seekers?  What are the talent hunt strategies recruiters are adopting? Is this advanced recruitment techniques making the recruitment process transparent? How challenging is it to deal with frequently updating technologies trends? And how a non-technical person is dealing with technology dependent recruitment industry?

How is it affecting the perspectives, the recruiter and job seekers? 
In this technology-oriented age, apparently it has a positive impact on both perspectives. With this technology revolution, there are more job opening accessibilities which mean more opportunities. The unemployment rate has gone down. The candidates are getting in power and recruiters have to compete for the talent search. The recruitment process has been automated with decreased human labor. Both the perspectives are progressing. The accessibility to this approach is one of the remarkable achievements that technology has brought to the recruitment industry.

What are the talent hunt strategies recruiters are adopting?
Recruiters are more interested in adopting the technology-driven techniques as it’s more efficient and accurate. This technology update is artificial intelligence and mobile recruiting. Artificial intelligence has been involved in automating the high volume tasks in recruiting. It is more likely that the recruiters are going to use software to analyze the candidate’s skills and filter them to make the potential candidates stand out. Mobile has never been so vital part of recruitment as it has become now. In 2017 almost 70% of job seekers apply through mobile. It is expected in coming years to the “mobile first indexing” technology will further lead to voice recognition.

Are these advanced recruitment techniques making the recruitment transparent?
There is no doubt that the advanced technology is more efficient and accurate than human labor. But what is the guarantee that it wouldn’t skip any potential talent? It is necessary to notice what level of intelligence software has to screen the candidates so the probability to miss out the right talent is minimal. There is no harm in adopting technology revolutions but recruiters do have some ethical responsibilities to make the hiring process transparent. As there seems to be the never-ending revolution of technology, it is quite predictable that Artificial intelligence will take over the HR process. Transparency in recruitment comes first. While integrating the new technologies with recruitment industry transparency cannot be neglected at any cost.

How challenging is it to deal with frequently updating technologies trends?
It’s not only the recruitment industry which is being transformed with technology revolution. It is becoming very hard to keep yourself up to date with new technologies and be capable of utilizing them. It’s been a long journey from paper work to E-recruitment to mobile first recruitment phases. As people have became more familiar with the online recruitment process. A new revolution is just around the corner, knocking with new technology. With every new trending technology in the recruitment industry, the statistics of employment changes. The statistics say that 60 to 70 % of candidates apply through their mobiles. How do these statistics impact a person who is not willing to follow the trend? Of course, it is very challenging to keep, follow and utilize the new trends in recruitment.

The non-technical group’s perspective on technology dependent recruitment industry.

In this technology revolution era, where do the nontechnical people stand? We cannot expect the new trend to be adopted by 100% feedback instantly. The change comes gradually lasts longer. When a professional finds it hard to cope with technology, it is even harder for the nontechnical person to adopt and become familiar with the never-ending technologies. However considering the importance and impact of technology not only in recruitment industry but every field of life, you cannot neglect it in any way. There is no escape. The acceptance of new trends is depending on how willing are you to get exposure and adopt it. In order to make this nontechnical group of people come forward, we have to make the new techniques more user-friendly and simple. It would be unfair to let them lack behind.  The ratio of 70 to 30 Percent (Mobile Recruitment) which was mentioned above is soon to be changing to 100 on 100 in next few years. This technology revolution is persistent.


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