How to Make Recruitment Industry Efficient

The recruitment industry is one of the largest industries. This industry owes a lot towards companies and candidates both. The continuous growth of the industry is not the only achievement. It’s very important to make it transparent and efficient.  A lot of candidate’s hopes are associated with it. The companies are dependent for the talent hunt on this industry. The unethical ways, shortcuts, scams or any other illegal activities are populating the industry. As a result, many deserving candidates are missing the opportunities and are hopeless. On the other hand, the companies can’t keep long-term hiring. So all these complexities should b removed to make it work for both. Talent is the only parameter for job employment. The industry is efficient only if the opportunities are equally available and accessible to all the candidates and makes sure that the most deserving, right candidate fills the position.

Headhunter’s Inefficient Role in Recruitment Market             

Using headhunters for your job search or talent hunt may limit you to the circle of the concerned headhunter. There is no doubt that the involvement of headhunters act as a bridge between the two parties of the recruitment industry but how certain it is that this bridge is connecting every candidate with every single opportunity available in the market? Or we can say that in another way, what is the probability of access to all the potential candidates in the industry? The following illustration shows the concept virtually:

Overlapping/Missing Resources from Company’s Perspective

It is noticeable clearly that involving headhunter’s role in the recruitment process makes it complex and decreases the accessibility. The access of companies to all the candidates is not possible and vice versa. The companies hunting for talent via headhunter either face repetition of resource or they are missing some potential candidates because of no access to them. In this way, the companies may miss the chance to hire the right candidate. This affects the performance of recruitment industry when a company is deprived of some potential candidates. 

Overlapping/Missing Opportunities from Candidate’s Perspective

On the other hand, this system is even not efficient for the candidates. The candidates who are searching for the jobs via headhunters are accessible to few and repetitive jobs. Efficient Recruitment system should also take candidates in the account. If companies are provided with many candidates to choose from, candidates should also be given the choices to select from, which one they believe is suitable for them. This recruitment system should be an equal opportunity based. Headhunter’s approach for candidates is also not productive. The job seekers are either missing the jobs or getting the repetitive company offers. Candidates are already short of opportunities most of the times what if they are being offered with repetitive jobs. This makes them more disappointing.

Alternative Ways of Job Search

Eliminating headhunters from job search and recruitment process makes sense to follow the alternative approaches for job search. There are so many other resources for the search:
  • Manual Search/Walk in Interviews
  • Use Online Resources
  • Find On company’s Websites
  • Use Jobs Portals

Among all the upper resources using the online jobs platforms are the most effective and successful result oriented resource for job search. There are many success stories of candidates who are struggling with career got their dream job through these job portals. As there will be no in between parties between candidates and company. All the information is clear, transparent and every opportunity is available.  One can see a very clear picture of the jobs, Trends, response behavior towards your resume. 

Niche Job Portals

Niche job portals can be of great output if a candidate wants jobs with successful employment chances. Niche Job portals can be of different field based. Comparing to the general job platforms, niche job platforms are less in quantity but relevant and accurate about the matchmaking. The professionals related to any field, be it Medical, IT, Business, Education or Pharmacy, one can find the relevant platforms over the web. But as far as pharmaceutical industry is concerned there are very rare platforms available online. If there exists one, it’s hard to find the trusted one with reliable resources and authentic information.BrightOwl is the very first online jobs platforms which is connecting the candidates and companies all over the world in pharmaceutical and clinical research. BrightOwl collects the life sciences jobs form the websites and centralize them to one authentic place for you to access.

No Advertisement of jobs:

BrightOwl works on quality. It’s not promoting any advertisement from the agencies. Its mission is very clear to make the best possible match between candidates and jobs. No annoying popup of advertised jobs. Nor it promotes and filters to show you only the paid jobs. It works on filters; only filter based results will be shown to the researcher.

Data Safety

BrightOwl is job platform with a personal touch. It owes its users a trust level. The candidate’s data is safe with the website. It’s visible only to BrightOwl or the hiring company to which you applied. Otherwise, it is completely confidential and not accessible to any third party at any cost. Be sure it is in safe hands.

International Community:

BrightOwl presents the jobs from all over the world. It’s a part of an international community of life sciences. If you are professional in life sciences, BrightOwl is the place you ought to be for job search. International job offers are waiting for you. It presents to you a worldwide access to jobs search and talent hunt without any barrier. There is no overlapping of jobs. Also, you don’t have to fear about missing the jobs as well.

The Best Match Maker:

It is the best matchmaker for you. What makes BrightOwl different and stand out among all other job platforms is that it works with a personal touch not relying on technology only. It has the most advanced search filters to half the burden of going through all the jobs. Secondly, it assists you personally to help you decide with the job selection.

No Fake Jobs/ Duplicate Jobs

BrightOwl values its users and realize the fact that time is money. Its mission is to facilitate the users not to bother them. It only collects jobs from the genuine websites. There are no fake jobs or duplicate jobs as there is a constant check on the data accuracy. Jobs are posted after validation.


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