The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Job Switch

Job satisfaction varies on everyone’s personal preferences. But generally few factors are common when we count on how satisfied you are from your job. These include growth opportunities, skills enhancement, learning, security, pay, respect, and management behaviors. It’s not merely about satisfaction, it’s about how accomplished one feels at work, how much his work excites him to take challenges? How work compels someone to think out of the box? How involved are you in your work? If these questions fall yes to you, you’re at the right place and you’re doing the work you love to do. That’s probably the best way to increase the productivity.


The Impact:

Job satisfaction has very strong impact on employee’s performance and interest in the workplace. The more satisfied employees tend to be more productive ones. The more satisfied a person is the higher level of commitment he shows towards the tasks. The employee will be initiative, productive and put up more efforts in his work to achieve beyond the task assigned to him. Productivity is dependent on mental health. Creative thinking can be done only if you are mentally relaxed. The frustrated mind cannot produce great ideas.

Reasons for being Unhappy at Work:

According to a survey, almost 60 percent of people are unhappy with their work.  While considering the reasons for the job switch, lack of job satisfaction is the major factor. Another reason leading to switch organization is how valued a person feels by the leadership team in heir professional life. If you feel worth handling major responsibilities, you feel valued.

Age factor also counts in estimating the satisfaction at work. Young age group struggles and suffers more with job satisfactory issues comparatively to the old ones. The reason is younger people are either in the start or mid-career building journey seeking for the best opportunities. While older ones have already accomplished their career and achieved their dream job goals.

Time to Move on:

Realizing its time to move on to the job, defines how self-awareness you have. There are certain signals popping up to make you feel the urge of a job switch. Prior to making a decision consider the following factors.
  •         The number one factor is a passion if you lack passion.
  •          You don’t feel energetic at work.
  •          You’re not excited in the morning to go to work.
  •          You’re constantly stressed about the work.
  •          Your work is not being appreciated.
  •          You’re not able to perform your best which you are capable of.
  •          You can’t make a work-life balance.
  •          You feel negative or frustrated at work.

There might be many other signals you receive, but these are the common ones triggering you that this is the time to move and start job search again.

Game Changer:

Moving to a new organization doesn’t guarantee increased job satisfaction. But it’s up to personal preferences what’s your secret ingredient increasing your focus on work. Changing organization is a turning point in your career boost. It can be a game changer holding the endless success or downfall in your career. The decision should be made wisely, practically based on the factors influencing your preferences. Anticipating how impactful the job switch would be in increasing your satisfaction level and ultimately performance at work.


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